Editor: Tritex Accounting is a multi-user accounting package designed to simplify everyday tasks for different industries, and runs on most Windows platforms, including Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 Pro. It's an easy to learn and to use program, which includes on-line context-sensitive help, and can deliver powerful reports and extensive History in many configurations. The setup program supplies a predefined Chart of Accounts, including all pertaining links, and therefore enables a speedy installation. Security consists of a configurable login user name and password, which, together with the specific Company preferences, determines which menus and menu items are displayed or available to the user.
The manager has the ability to maintain user records, and to provide full access, read-only access, or no access to certain routines. The Manager Tasks menu was designed with security in mind. This allows certain users to be disallowed from Manager Tasks, simply by un-checking the group header for that user's permissions. The company file, company logo, system preferences, data file links and Chart of Accounts links all reside in the Manager Tasks menu.